Please note that the Software Updater can only be used with Mac computers at this time.
Sometimes it is difficult for your computer to recognize Radian via the USB port. A common and effective fix for this found by our users is to use a USB dongle between your Radian and your computer's USB port to strengthen the tethered connection signal.
If your computer won't open the Updater App because it is from the internet, right-click the App and click 'Open' or go to APPLE -> SYSTEM PREFERENCES -> SECURITY AND PREFS.
Make sure your Radian is turned OFF before plugging into the computer.
Try restarting your computer, then immediately retrying the upgrade. This seems to clear your computer's USB memory cache.
Some computers are unsuccessful on the first upload attempt- please stick with us and try it 3 times (our magic number), and if it still doesn't work for you, Contact Us!
Still stuck? Shoot us an email. We're here to help.