Camera Compatibility

The drop-down lists on our product pages will make sure you get the correct cable with your camera. If you're interested in ordering another cable or would like more info, read below!



What Cable do I Need for USB Control with Pulse and Radian 2?

Pulse and Radian 2 connect to the USB port on the side of your camera. This port is either a USB Micro, USB Mini, USB 8-pin, or USB 3.0 Micro port. At the moment USB control can be found on compatible Canon and Nikon cameras. Other camera brands (Sony, Panasonic, Fuji, etc.) are not compatible with USB control but work with a shutter cable and a Spark, Michron, Radian 1 or Radian 2 as described below

Pulse Cable Checker

Radian 2 USB Cable Checker


What Cable do I Need For Shutter Trigger Control with Spark,  Radian or Michron?

Spark, Radian 1 and Michron triggers your camera using a shutter trigger cable. Radian 2 also has a shutter trigger port and can use a shutter cable to trigger your camera if you have a camera that is not compatible with USB control (Sony, Fuji, etc). Pulse has 1 USB port and does not have a shutter trigger port. We sell additional trigger cables here.

Spark Cable Checker

Radian 2 Trigger Cable Checker

Radian & Michron Cable Checker


What Comes With My Order?

Spark, Pulse, Michron, and Radian all ship with 1 cable (USB or trigger) but are compatible with any of our listed cameras if you have the correct cable. To use our products with cameras that have different ports, order the correct extra cable you need for each.


If you would like more information on compatible cameras and cables, please feel free to reach out and we'll do our best to clear up compatibility for your camera! 

Still stuck? Shoot us an email. We're here to help.