Make sure your camera/lens are in "Manual" Mode and you don't have any kind of Exposure/Aperture Priority turned on.
Ensure the Camera Cable is securely inserted into your Camera and Michron. The camera cable is coiled; the straight cable is the audio/programming cable.
Depending on your camera, make sure your interval is at least 2 seconds. Your camera may not have time to process/store the image, resulting in missed images. To shoot with a shorter interval, make sure your Shutter Speed is short enough that your camera has time to process the image before it is triggered to take the next.
Try increasing your Hold Time. This can be accessed under the ADVANCED SETTINGS when programming your Michron on the App. Your camera may not be recognizing a shorter hold.
Turn off the burst photo option on your camera. You'll know this is an issue if your camera is sometimes taking 2 or 3 photos when Michron triggers the camera to take a photo between intervals (common issue!).
If you're still having problems triggering your camera correctly, Contact Us and we'll get to the bottom of it!
Still stuck? Shoot us an email. We're here to help.